About FESoT
Falcon Elementary School of Technology
Falcon Elementary School Hawks!
We have an exciting opportunity to partner with 1st Place Spiritwear to purchase spirtwear for your student(s) and your families! Our partnership with this company will last all year long and we will share the link to the store often throughout the school year.
Orders are placed directly through the company (link to the shop and flyer below) and are shipped directly to your home. Our school also receives 10% back of all purchases made!
The annual spirit wear fall blowout sale is underway! Every item in the store is discounted 30% or more and free shipping over $100. No codes are needed.
Store link: https://1stplace.sale/15
Built in 1981, Falcon Elementary School of Technology is located in Falcon Zone at 12050 Falcon Highway in Peyton. It has a welcoming environment, large classrooms and 21st-century technologies throughout the school. In 2005, the Board of Education approved it as a technology focused school. In 2007, a Head Start preschool program was added.
Falcon Elementary School of Technology has a caring, knowledgeable staff that works hard to determine the needs of every child and to differentiate instruction based on those needs. Every grade level has a literacy block to focus on reading and writing skills, and we incorporate Collaborative Classroom's Being a Reader and Making Meaning in grades K-2 and Being a Writer in K-5 classrooms. All staff use Eureka Math to help each child build their mathematical skills. Science and social studies are also included in daily instruction. Students participate in daily specials (i.e. physical education, art, and music). A literacy interventionist uses SIPPS and small group interventions to develop the skills of struggling readers and writers and to help fill in any gaps in learning. Our school offers a positive behavior support system and we support restorative practices in dealing with disciplinary situations. We are concerned with building relationships and being more proactive rather than reactive, while helping students take responsibility for his/her actions and learning and growing from these opportnities. We recognize excellence in students’ behavior by catching students following the SOAR guidelines: Staying Safe, Always being On-Task, Accepting Responsibility, and being Respectful! Students are recognized through golden ticket opportunities and being nominated by a teacher for a SOAR award each quarter.
The Falcon Elementary School of Technology includes a 1 to 1 distribution of iPads for students in all grade levels. Each classroom includes a projector, Smartboard, and Apple television with the capabilities to project student iPad screens. Falcon Elementary School of Technology also includes a Technology teacher to ensure technology is utilized on a daily basis in the classroom.
Students may participate in any or all of the extracurricular activities, before or after school. The school offers extra-curricular crafting clubs and art club.
The school benefits from an active Parent-Teacher Association and a community connection with Woodmen Valley Chapel. Both organizations have been instrumental in helping our school with purchases towards technology and sponsoring family events and volunteer opportunities. The school has a close relationship with local businesses (such as Wal-Mart, Culvers, Skate City, etc.), which support the school through donations. A WatchDOGS (Dads of Great Students) program has also been implemented. We have dads that volunteer at the school to visit classrooms, help teachers, walk the halls and spend the day with their students.